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Sokolinskycenter in Prague begins work on a project of the Academy of thermal medicine (balneology)

In January 2015 the director of the Czech company Sokolinskycenter s.r.o, is actively engaged in improving the treatment of known technologies for spas, Vladimir Sokolinskiн was appointed representative of the World Organization of the thermal therapy in the Czech Republic. This was the result of his deep interest for the medical possibilites of European spa resorts in Italy, Spain and the Czech Republic and of course, the cooperation to promote these resorts via Internet and participation in international events to exchange experiences.

Vladimir Sokolinskiy: «I understand that every European resort has a wealth of knowledge in the fild of mineral water, mud treatments and other natural methods. Each resort is not just an organization, but also are unique specialists. So I decided to invite for colleagues to work together to create a special information resource on the Internet for professionals.

The fact is that in today's medical schools taught such a little discipline. The modern physician who graduated from the university in one country does not have information about resorts in another European country.

This can be a virtual Academy of Thermal Therapy, where well-known experts in the field of spa treatment (balneology) will be able to share with doctors, representatives of the medical tourism business for its outstanding results. In addition, there may be presented to official sources, such as the European standards in the field of certification of spa service and training services.

The difference of the project that is the information about the professional achievements and a detailed description of technology of spa treatment of its efficiency, quality and safety in various European cities, not just advertising appeals.

Company Sokolinskycenter s.r.o. applied to join one grant in the framework of the European project of additional education for adults. If successful, we will have next year to introduce a wider audience with valuable information about the treatment of thermal resorts of Italy, Spain, Austria, the Czech Republic in several languages.

For future work registered site www.thermal-resorts-academy.org.

Currently there is a debate about what the representative of the country, headed by a board of Academy. This course must be known doctor or organizer of the medical service of the resort, a representative or a representative of the city or Medical Association. Once the discussion of the project of the Academy will go into a final stage, my company is pleased to deliver a co-founder of the NGO, which give the right to drive and the Academy. «

We will be happy to take any suggestions from the thermal spas of Europe work together to address: project_academy@sokolinskycenter.com

22.03.2015, 3506 просмотров.